Friday, April 12, 2019

Chaotic Mind

Jolted down this article which is mostly regarding various types of thoughts our mind dwells in our routine life, what really matters and hopes which should never die.

Have we recognized, almost more than half of our day we spent in our office for the matter of earnings or some people say it as living. Could living be easily enjoyed only through earnings or there is more to it. To be more precise in saying, are we satisfied and fully self content in whatever work we are doing? Also, is our mind stable while performing these work activities? Sit and ask yourself, why do we hate Mondays so much when we are doing something that we ourself have taken up? Why do we live only on weekends?

Continuosly hussling over timelines followed by project delivery and it's submission, wondering why we are even working in a way we have barely any interest in. Then in between our mind transmits signal to our thoughts, my dear friend you need a break. 

To take a break for a while, we log into our Facebook account, only to see friends getting married or being convocated or travelling abroad, or display of affection by couples, all of which makes feel even worse as some are still single, stuck here not knowing what to do in life, and some having nothing to do anything cheesy. So then we switch to Instagram. Even better, keep liking the posts of friend’s travel stories, see the richness and affluence that fills the pages of people of our age when we are actually dealing with ourself who is just the opposite of what we see of other most followed people on insta! And start dwelling for not being successful by now, for not having the kind of success so many young people across the globe have achieved!

No matter how much we deny this, but subconsciously, we do end up comparing ourselves with the people we see on the mega social platforms. Let the bitter truth walk in, we are just trying our best to be conventional, to live up to the standards we see others are setting in. We actually shed our real self off for doing better than the best. We end up having a hit on self-confidence and feel vulnerable and think how underachieved we are at this age and begin to beat ourselves for pushing ourselves and end up being aggressive to ourselves and with others. Why there is need to beat ourself up in the first place when all we need is some clarity and peace of mind. We might get completely exhausted by the constant self-beating.  And ironically, we do this under the name of being ‘Influenced’ or ‘Motivated’.

Why are we constantly looking for the meaning or purpose of life when we are actually supposed to make one!

In our childhood, we wanted so badly to be an adult. And once you are an adult, we so badly want to be a child again. Same thing applied, when someone is still single, why do we rush to get into something which will eventually come in the right time at right place.

There is absolutely no need to think big or think out of the box, there’s just a need to think. Why mind presume thoughts instead of focusing on thoughtless awareness. It is impossible to achieve thoughless awarness but we can give a trial chance for the sake of ourselves to set our mind in the process of being thoughtless.  Living in thougtless awarness is where we are going to control our mind and mind will not be able to control us! Once thoughless awareness is achieved, meaning of life can be easily understandable. Thus, the only natural purpose of life is to live.  The thoughts that pass through our mind are responsible for everything that happens in our life. Mind can pass various thoughts like positive thought, negative thought, present thought, past thought, future thought or mere there can be state called as thoughtless awareness wherein no thoughts exists and one can cherish present moments only. One need to dwell either positive thoughts or thoughtless awareness and not the past which is a mere cancelled cheque. Sometimes it do happen unnecessarily negative thoughts dominates positive thoughts which is completely natural but knowing how to handle such situation is completely in our hand.

So live these days like reckless rabbits and hop here and there being as unconventional as you can. Work hard for what you want, not simply for what you’re expcted of. Our life is waiting for us to take the right step right now. It only wants us to live. Live in present, enjoy each and every present moment. Hoping for the best is yet to come and giving our best to make sure it is definitely going to come.

Finally, it all comes down to the choices we all want the same thing at the end of the day. We simply choose the different means.

Someone have rightly said :

“The world lives on hope.”

“The world runs on hope.”

“Hope keeps the world alive.”

Hope this is also going to help me as well as you all. ;)

- Grishma

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