Saturday, March 28, 2020

Meditation - Heart Of Joy!

Why some people are so afraid,
Not being attached to themselve's!

Why some people are fearless,
Could not recognize getting emotionless!

There is some misconception going around, what is being emotional and getting frown!

Getting frown and angry are very easy to dwell,
Why emotional people are getting
easily sail?

Biggest enemy of human health is angriness,
Though people continue doing this in unconsciousness!

Sometimes things around you might go wrong, definitely that will be the reason for you to frown!

Sit and listen to the inner voice, peace is ultimately the winner of this choice!

Managing both are difficult to handle, Imagine your life without a saddle! 

As saddle provides support in climbing, there will always be a story of falling!

Agree! Falling or failing cannot be easily ignored, Is this making you feel extremely coward!

Failing is not a biggest mistake, U can Uprise again with a proper stake!

Handle my heart in proper way, this is one of the famous saying, until this time why we are not following?

High time considering this "to wake up", Can we eliminate all these jerk-up's!

Always heart wants to be in peace, Thoughtful mind always tease!

Because U cannot manage your thoughts, various types of disease's are easily caught!

There is thumb rule to all of these, why can't we just do meditation in peace!

Meditation brings inner joy, which then combines with your spirit of joy! 

Doing meditation can be of different types, listening to music is one of the type!

Saying this is not an end, give yourself and others a beautiful lend! 

Give your inner peace some meaning to recognize, get ready for some blissful surprise!

Such surprises are so lovable, easily notable, 
Believe that "God" has kept on everyone's owned table!

Solution for this is Sahajyoga, todays's Mahayoga,
Much needed in this Kalyuga!

Sahajyoga meditation is one of that kind, Atmasakshatkar U can easily find!

Kundalini shakti is born within U, It's with the time gets easily flew!

It's human responsibility again to find, having strong desire is one of that kind!

Seven Chakra's and Three Nadi's binds our body together, whose ultimate connections are with our heart forever!

Let's pray to our Holy mother "Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi" to grant us this Divine love, Let's start planting our own seed and sow!

Jai Shree Mataji 🙏
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