Sunday, June 26, 2022

A Journey To Remember

Friends, this is a mere hypothetical journey of a girl who is travelling first time for a long distance trip along with her friends. A journey from "Mumbai" to "Shimla-Manali" away from her family, that too for a long period of two weeks. This story will take you to her journey and can easily make you feel connected with the fact that how she gets inspired with the people around her!

I peeped in my watch and it was around 9 am. Nevertheless journey was too long, though the memorable one. Finally we reached our desired location and to our surprise, Manali was completely covered with snow. Seems snow fall must have happened the day before.
I pinched myself to confirm, its not a dream but a mere reality.

I have never witnessed such snow fall and cold weather in Mumbai. Temperature in Mumbai is always off the roof. Yet an invention of 19th century to provide cold stream of Air helps me to go through such hot days.  Still I hold love for Mumbai city. Being Mumbaikar's, we should always feel proud to love Mumbai for good reasons. Detestation can easily be demolished by trying out other options. A trip to 'Shimla-Manali' during winter season in the month of February seemed perfect match.

After reaching the spot, we waited there for sometime. Along with us, we have been accompanied with lot of luggages. The luggages count varied with each individual. I was carrying two luggages, along with a sack held at my back and a bin bag. Since our hotel was located at a far distance, we were looking for coolie who can help us by carrying our luggages.

A lady came in our way along with her two kids. Kids seemed to be lying in between the age group of 7- 10 years. We initially thought, she might have come for begging some money or food. Later she confimed that all the coolie sort of work covering these areas comes under her responsibility. Later she also asked few of her friends to accompany her, so that they will also be able to earn some money as our tour group was huge and might she cannot individually manage everything.

A lady carried my two heavy luggage's wherein one  luggage was held on her head and the other one in her hand. The other two little heavy luggage's were asked to handle over to the small kids. Seeing our awkwardness, the lady asked us to handle over those languages to them. Let them took it! I have trained them my profession, the lady answered. She continued saying, they will also have to do the same thing when they will grow of your age. Both mind and heart were not allowing us to believe her words. Which means kids have no choice to decide their future, they might be aware their future life is going to same as the present one, no additional demands from their parents, no discussion on their field of interest. They are only in mood of helping their parents financially. Though there were prominent smile on their faces.

This realisation changed my mindset. Now I am keen and much more waiting for my return journey back to home; so that I can give tight hug to my parents.

Notable happiness involves embracing and accepting all the different aspects of life, even if they are negative. Otherwise we are turning a blind eye to the reality.

Even though things are not going as we would like and as what we want, we can still be content, knowing we are trying our best and will continue to do so. If you are focusing on what is lacking in your life, you will tend to create problem even more. If we don’t know how to breathe, smile, and live every moment of our life deeply at present situation, we will never be able to help anyone.

I am happy in the present moment. I do not ask for anything else. I do not expect any additional happiness or conditions that will bring about more happiness. Instead, focus on what is good in your life and see how blessed you already are. They say, gratitude with attitude.

- Grishma

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