Sunday, August 7, 2022


Degree with distinction as proud Chemical Engineer,
Bullshit! Are you having any experience as Process Engineer?
FIGURING out for this existence of non-existence,
Facts should have known at an early career instance!

DO you have any experience even as a graduate fresher?
Stupid questions increase student's hidden temper!
HERE'S only to blame our so called educational system,
Little known, practicality is the core of process subsystem!

CHEMISTRY in lab as a part of chemical engineering syllabus,
Chemical engineer enjoys this even at the aroma of ageless!
Process industry considers these as artless, act less, aimless and baseless, 
Four years of chemical engineering turns out to be a great fuss!

BY HEARTING technicalities just for the sake of exams,
Educational system destroying career just like a painful cramp!
Teacher foothold may led to student's self awareness,
Efficient explanations, skillful learnings and understanding shall bring bright future perceptiveness!

CHEMICAL ENGINEER grabs first job as Marketing/Sales engineer,
Ensuring to have responsibilities leading to some technical!
BEHOLDING job with the kind of satisfaction and expectations,
None workout with the span 6 months and that's so obvious!

WITH six months of experience as Marketing engineer,
Turning out to be worthless for the interview of technical engineer!
UNDERSTAND deepness of the wastage, Almost an year!
Grabs another technical job at the lowest pay with lot of fear!

TECHNICAL job in hand raises once again engineer's hope,
This is the true company that will ensure deep slide to the technical boat!
Freshers provided with not much technical project jobs,
Training takes time, project deadlines has to be matched!

PROCESS ENGINEER with 2 years of experience cannot match required job qualifications,
Joins process engineer course for the sake of admission!
Hoping to complete the course and grab the high pay scale technical job,
Once again turns out to be another low pay scale technical job!

EDUCATION SYSTEM shall be re-framed and re-organized,
Else student's growth career will be fractured and permanently halt!
THERE is still time to grow and develop brightly,
Engineers are the only one's increasing day by day India's economy!



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Sunday, June 26, 2022

A Journey To Remember

Friends, this is a mere hypothetical journey of a girl who is travelling first time for a long distance trip along with her friends. A journey from "Mumbai" to "Shimla-Manali" away from her family, that too for a long period of two weeks. This story will take you to her journey and can easily make you feel connected with the fact that how she gets inspired with the people around her!

I peeped in my watch and it was around 9 am. Nevertheless journey was too long, though the memorable one. Finally we reached our desired location and to our surprise, Manali was completely covered with snow. Seems snow fall must have happened the day before.
I pinched myself to confirm, its not a dream but a mere reality.

I have never witnessed such snow fall and cold weather in Mumbai. Temperature in Mumbai is always off the roof. Yet an invention of 19th century to provide cold stream of Air helps me to go through such hot days.  Still I hold love for Mumbai city. Being Mumbaikar's, we should always feel proud to love Mumbai for good reasons. Detestation can easily be demolished by trying out other options. A trip to 'Shimla-Manali' during winter season in the month of February seemed perfect match.

After reaching the spot, we waited there for sometime. Along with us, we have been accompanied with lot of luggages. The luggages count varied with each individual. I was carrying two luggages, along with a sack held at my back and a bin bag. Since our hotel was located at a far distance, we were looking for coolie who can help us by carrying our luggages.

A lady came in our way along with her two kids. Kids seemed to be lying in between the age group of 7- 10 years. We initially thought, she might have come for begging some money or food. Later she confimed that all the coolie sort of work covering these areas comes under her responsibility. Later she also asked few of her friends to accompany her, so that they will also be able to earn some money as our tour group was huge and might she cannot individually manage everything.

A lady carried my two heavy luggage's wherein one  luggage was held on her head and the other one in her hand. The other two little heavy luggage's were asked to handle over to the small kids. Seeing our awkwardness, the lady asked us to handle over those languages to them. Let them took it! I have trained them my profession, the lady answered. She continued saying, they will also have to do the same thing when they will grow of your age. Both mind and heart were not allowing us to believe her words. Which means kids have no choice to decide their future, they might be aware their future life is going to same as the present one, no additional demands from their parents, no discussion on their field of interest. They are only in mood of helping their parents financially. Though there were prominent smile on their faces.

This realisation changed my mindset. Now I am keen and much more waiting for my return journey back to home; so that I can give tight hug to my parents.

Notable happiness involves embracing and accepting all the different aspects of life, even if they are negative. Otherwise we are turning a blind eye to the reality.

Even though things are not going as we would like and as what we want, we can still be content, knowing we are trying our best and will continue to do so. If you are focusing on what is lacking in your life, you will tend to create problem even more. If we don’t know how to breathe, smile, and live every moment of our life deeply at present situation, we will never be able to help anyone.

I am happy in the present moment. I do not ask for anything else. I do not expect any additional happiness or conditions that will bring about more happiness. Instead, focus on what is good in your life and see how blessed you already are. They say, gratitude with attitude.

- Grishma

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Sunday, August 16, 2020

THIS YEAR - '2020'

 There is Moon, There is Sun,

But what is missing this year; Is the lot of FUN!

There is lot of groaning and mourning this year,

People are roaming and dying with lot of FEAR!

Loss of Finances and Loss of Employment,

India is leading towards Economic growth DEPLOYMENT!


The plan to make India as Atamanirbhar,

This will definitely make many people;'s CAREER!

From long times as festivals were cherished each year,

Something is definitely missing this YEAR!

Human beings are getting feared of each other,

Now, Mask is the best tool to hide from EACH OTHER!

But there is one human kind; known as 'Replica of God',

Battling the battles fearlessly with a bright positive NOD!

There is no need of explanation 'WHO ARE THEY',

In this situations, 'DOCTOR's' are the one who uplift our WAY!

Nature of life is now being understood,

Birds can freshly breathe as long as they COULD!

GOD is great with his Almighty Power,

But, Human's can save their Life only with their own IMMUNITY POWER!

People now have started watching 'Mahabharata on Door Darshan' channel,

This was forgotten long back, like a dome shaped TUNNEL!

Birthday''s are celebrated,

Salaries are less credited,

"WHO KILLED SSR' is the famous ongoing topic DEBATED!

'WORK FROM HOME' is one of the famous on going legacy,

Drowning Employee's immunity power mentally is the freaking outcome of this POLICY!

Entertainment is not that important as Family Life,

'CORONA' we all must salute you at least for this one POINT!

With positive gear and less fear, this time shall pass,

Let's give Life another one beautiful CHANCE!

Life is hardly awarded with any second chance,

Rare, Lucky people can see such GLANCE!

Safety is the utmost priority this year,

Hopes, Dreams and Myth's can be seen killed closed to NEAR!

What Win's is mere shielding of Faith,

Stay Safe, Stay Home, Just Take Care Of Your HEALTH!



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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Meditation - Heart Of Joy!

Why some people are so afraid,
Not being attached to themselve's!

Why some people are fearless,
Could not recognize getting emotionless!

There is some misconception going around, what is being emotional and getting frown!

Getting frown and angry are very easy to dwell,
Why emotional people are getting
easily sail?

Biggest enemy of human health is angriness,
Though people continue doing this in unconsciousness!

Sometimes things around you might go wrong, definitely that will be the reason for you to frown!

Sit and listen to the inner voice, peace is ultimately the winner of this choice!

Managing both are difficult to handle, Imagine your life without a saddle! 

As saddle provides support in climbing, there will always be a story of falling!

Agree! Falling or failing cannot be easily ignored, Is this making you feel extremely coward!

Failing is not a biggest mistake, U can Uprise again with a proper stake!

Handle my heart in proper way, this is one of the famous saying, until this time why we are not following?

High time considering this "to wake up", Can we eliminate all these jerk-up's!

Always heart wants to be in peace, Thoughtful mind always tease!

Because U cannot manage your thoughts, various types of disease's are easily caught!

There is thumb rule to all of these, why can't we just do meditation in peace!

Meditation brings inner joy, which then combines with your spirit of joy! 

Doing meditation can be of different types, listening to music is one of the type!

Saying this is not an end, give yourself and others a beautiful lend! 

Give your inner peace some meaning to recognize, get ready for some blissful surprise!

Such surprises are so lovable, easily notable, 
Believe that "God" has kept on everyone's owned table!

Solution for this is Sahajyoga, todays's Mahayoga,
Much needed in this Kalyuga!

Sahajyoga meditation is one of that kind, Atmasakshatkar U can easily find!

Kundalini shakti is born within U, It's with the time gets easily flew!

It's human responsibility again to find, having strong desire is one of that kind!

Seven Chakra's and Three Nadi's binds our body together, whose ultimate connections are with our heart forever!

Let's pray to our Holy mother "Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi" to grant us this Divine love, Let's start planting our own seed and sow!

Jai Shree Mataji 🙏
Visit "" for details.

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Friday, April 12, 2019

Chaotic Mind

Jolted down this article which is mostly regarding various types of thoughts our mind dwells in our routine life, what really matters and hopes which should never die.

Have we recognized, almost more than half of our day we spent in our office for the matter of earnings or some people say it as living. Could living be easily enjoyed only through earnings or there is more to it. To be more precise in saying, are we satisfied and fully self content in whatever work we are doing? Also, is our mind stable while performing these work activities? Sit and ask yourself, why do we hate Mondays so much when we are doing something that we ourself have taken up? Why do we live only on weekends?

Continuosly hussling over timelines followed by project delivery and it's submission, wondering why we are even working in a way we have barely any interest in. Then in between our mind transmits signal to our thoughts, my dear friend you need a break. 

To take a break for a while, we log into our Facebook account, only to see friends getting married or being convocated or travelling abroad, or display of affection by couples, all of which makes feel even worse as some are still single, stuck here not knowing what to do in life, and some having nothing to do anything cheesy. So then we switch to Instagram. Even better, keep liking the posts of friend’s travel stories, see the richness and affluence that fills the pages of people of our age when we are actually dealing with ourself who is just the opposite of what we see of other most followed people on insta! And start dwelling for not being successful by now, for not having the kind of success so many young people across the globe have achieved!

No matter how much we deny this, but subconsciously, we do end up comparing ourselves with the people we see on the mega social platforms. Let the bitter truth walk in, we are just trying our best to be conventional, to live up to the standards we see others are setting in. We actually shed our real self off for doing better than the best. We end up having a hit on self-confidence and feel vulnerable and think how underachieved we are at this age and begin to beat ourselves for pushing ourselves and end up being aggressive to ourselves and with others. Why there is need to beat ourself up in the first place when all we need is some clarity and peace of mind. We might get completely exhausted by the constant self-beating.  And ironically, we do this under the name of being ‘Influenced’ or ‘Motivated’.

Why are we constantly looking for the meaning or purpose of life when we are actually supposed to make one!

In our childhood, we wanted so badly to be an adult. And once you are an adult, we so badly want to be a child again. Same thing applied, when someone is still single, why do we rush to get into something which will eventually come in the right time at right place.

There is absolutely no need to think big or think out of the box, there’s just a need to think. Why mind presume thoughts instead of focusing on thoughtless awareness. It is impossible to achieve thoughless awarness but we can give a trial chance for the sake of ourselves to set our mind in the process of being thoughtless.  Living in thougtless awarness is where we are going to control our mind and mind will not be able to control us! Once thoughless awareness is achieved, meaning of life can be easily understandable. Thus, the only natural purpose of life is to live.  The thoughts that pass through our mind are responsible for everything that happens in our life. Mind can pass various thoughts like positive thought, negative thought, present thought, past thought, future thought or mere there can be state called as thoughtless awareness wherein no thoughts exists and one can cherish present moments only. One need to dwell either positive thoughts or thoughtless awareness and not the past which is a mere cancelled cheque. Sometimes it do happen unnecessarily negative thoughts dominates positive thoughts which is completely natural but knowing how to handle such situation is completely in our hand.

So live these days like reckless rabbits and hop here and there being as unconventional as you can. Work hard for what you want, not simply for what you’re expcted of. Our life is waiting for us to take the right step right now. It only wants us to live. Live in present, enjoy each and every present moment. Hoping for the best is yet to come and giving our best to make sure it is definitely going to come.

Finally, it all comes down to the choices we all want the same thing at the end of the day. We simply choose the different means.

Someone have rightly said :

“The world lives on hope.”

“The world runs on hope.”

“Hope keeps the world alive.”

Hope this is also going to help me as well as you all. ;)

- Grishma

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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Time To Embrace Yourself!

Dear Self and Eternal Soul,

I always watch you throughout the day; of course in front of mirror but never embraced or analysed you eternally.

Its seems been long since I met you. 

Its been long since I stood in front of the mirror embracing all your art and all your God's gift.  I know you have been often called flawed and I apologies for believing that sometimes.  As I look at you, I look at how amazingly each cell of the body is filled.  How amazingly fortunate I am to be one of those people whose bodies have articulate work on them, that people often termed as stretch marks. 

As you transform me from a thin girl to a chubby plump girl.  I feel more independent.  I wonder why people discriminate and insult each other on the basis of curves of their body.  It reflects the mindset of the people judging you. Curves are two types just like mirrors – concave and convex.  Not just that, it also acts as a mirror. 

As I look up to my face in the mirror, I see how the pixel of cell has spread there too, leaving behind the proof of their existence; the scars and marks that have now become a characteristic mark of my identity !  The foundation and concealer hides it sometimes, but why do I need to hide it ? 

Each flaw is beautiful. It denotes a pattern. A unique one just like fingerprints. We are compelled to hide the scars because otherwise cosmetic brand selling makeup would become non existent. We are forced to match up with the so called beauty standard of being fair skinny, perfect size, shape and color. But,“Do you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?“. When people have opinions about you, they are based on their perception and how they filter information from the world around them. So it is in fact, a bunch of lies created by the mind through doubt, to judge another person.

I apologies for the times I have doubted and hated you. But now, I feel independent as I have learned acceptance.

How beautiful it is to have flaws and fairies do artwork on the body, on the skin. How mesmerizing it is to watch, appreciate and accept what and how we are. Life will become much happier when we accept the little or big flaws that we and our beloved bodies behold.

Many of us try to fix our “flaws” and “imperfections” instead of accepting them, loving them and realizing we are already perfect.  Flaws are just flowers in different appearances. Beautiful yet delicate !

What if, it is enough to love yourself fully and accept all of yourself even parts of body you are not proud of! Longest love story you will ever have is the one with yourself! SO WHY NOT TO START RIGHT NOW?

- Grishma 

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Monday, January 21, 2019

A Tea At Late Night

It was 11.30 pm, I was at a nearby tea shop, it was quite late in the evening so there were few people on the road, shops were closing, some of them were busy cleaning and packing stuff, and just another day was coming to an end for them.
Just 15 minutes before, I was in front of a laptop, reading and watching some videos on the internet. It was a hot day and I was really comfortable in my room, I had a long sleep in the afternoon so couldn’t sleep. And what could be the best option in the night if you are not feeling sleepy? A Tea, It does not matter, how hot day it is to Tea lovers and its mine favourite as well! 
When I was paying the bill, out of curiosity, I just asked Chaiwala (a Tea seller), “It is already very late, when you go to sleep?”
He replied, “around 1’o clock”.
I thought that maybe he gets up late in the morning.
I asked further, “When you open shop in the morning?”
He said, “At 6’o clock”.
Then I took it for granted that there must be someone else who opens the shop because it is nearly impossible to sleep at 1’o clock at night and to get up around 5.30 in morning, but still, just to confirm I asked him, “so, who opens the shop in the morning?
He replied, “Me”.
I was shocked, “approximately 4 hours sleep!!!” And he is not some tech guy who sits in front of computer whole day. He is a tea seller, running all day long, serving tea, picking up cups, Washing them, and making more tea. And he has no chance to show his exertion or frustration, he has to smile and be attentive all day long. It kept me thinking, from where this energy comes? What drives him to do such hard work?
On the other side, I looked at my life, living in AC, all day in front of computer, sleeps at 11.00 and gets up at 7.00, that is 8 hours sleep, and that too in most comfortable way possible, when compared to Chaiwala, he probably sleeps on the floors, in a very congested and humid room with other 3-4 guys. If sleep equations are supposed to be right then I should be the person who is more relaxed and more energetic whole day, but still, he beats me on every second of the day. One thing is for sure, when we are living very comfortable life, we become less patient, less tolerant and always seeking comfort everywhere.
Friends, In life, when things are not going in our way, and when we are depressed and worried about “not getting enough”, we should really pause for a second and picture that Chaiwala in our mind. We will come to know that we are definitely not getting anything less than him. He is not complaining about anything, he is just fighting every day. These people really inspires us; there is so much to learn from them.
In future, when you are having a very bad day, instead of sitting in the canteen, complaining and whining about the people or company, you should go to some tea shop and ask chaiwala that how his day is going? How are things going in his life? His answers will definitely inspire you and he does not feel any greatness in it, because it is just another day for him.
Be inspired. Be Happy. Cheers!!!
Note this is the hypothetical story of one of my friend which is jolted down to inspire people in their life.

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Degree with distinction as proud Chemical Engineer, Bullshit! Are you having any experience as Process Engineer? FIGURING out for this exist...